Everything you need to know about Solar Panels and Birds

Solar energy is currently one of the most rapidly expanding energy sources. It is cost-effective and adaptable in terms of installation size and location. It can power a single home or neighbourhood, be privately owned, or serve an entire community. With all of the well-deserved excitement surrounding solar energy, it’s vital to note that not all solar operates the same way or provides the same environmental benefit. As a result, we exclusively support photovoltaic solar, which is most likely what you envision when you think of solar electricity. It is made up of gleaming black panels that face the sun, catching the light and transforming it into electricity.

But what about the animals and birds that might try to get through your panels? We know that birds and other small animals like to nest in our gutters, beneath our panels, and anywhere else that is protected from the outdoors. But what are we going to do about it?

Here, we’ll talk about solar panels, birds, how birds can harm your solar panels, and what you can do to help them live (as well as your solar panels).

How does Solar Power benefit Birds?

Oil, coal, and natural gas are used to generate a good amount of electricity around the world. These materials burn and emit carbon pollution, forming a blanket layer in the atmosphere that traps heat. This pollution causes global environmental problems, one of which is driving birds to find new homes and food sources. According to the Audubon Society, if we do not reduce rising temperatures, two-thirds of the birds may become extinct. Fortunately, solar panels do not require coal or natural gas to generate energy; they only require direct sunlight!

Do Solar Panels Attract Birds?

Yes, solar panels do attract birds for a variety of reasons. Birds are drawn to the reflecting surfaces of solar panels in the same way as they are to windows. They are also drawn to solar panels for safety reasons. Because solar panels provide warmth and protection, they frequently nest under them to care for their young.

Do Solar Panels Kill Birds?

Solar panels do not directly kill birds. Birds, on the other hand, are drawn to the gleam of solar panels, which, from above, appear to be moving water. Some birds mistake panels for bodies of water and attempt to dive into them, injuring or killing them. Many scientists have discovered that birds that attempt to dive through solar panels are aquatic species. People who have solar systems in residential areas that are not too close to huge bodies of water will not have this problem, but it is still a possibility. To avoid the problem, researchers are employing artificial intelligence to track and monitor which bird species plunge into solar panels.

Whatever species are drawn to solar panels, the general view is that tales of solar panel-related bird mortality are inflated. As with other renewable energy sources, the benefits to birds in terms of reduced carbon emissions outweigh other concerns, as long as the installations are erected with care.

How can Birds damage your Solar Panels?

Space between the panels and the roof is often left to allow for wiring and ventilation. Many small creatures nest or seek refuge beneath solar panels to avoid wind, rain, and heat. Birds frequently leave droppings, broken eggs, and dead chicks beneath solar panels in addition to building nests. If they build up beneath your panels, the mass lowers the airflow required to keep your solar panels from overheating.

The muck may also enter your gutters and run down the side of your property. It produces obstructions and an unpleasant look and smell there. If you don’t keep an eye on the problem, a large infestation can clog gutters and damage roofs within a week. Bird droppings don’t just accumulate beneath your panels; they can also accumulate on top of them. It is recommended to clean up the dirt and droppings as soon as possible. If you don’t, the droppings will reduce the effectiveness of your panels. Furthermore, the mess can be tough to clean up once the faeces solidify due to heat.

Is Photovoltaic Energy Safe for Birds?

As with most renewable energy sources, the benefits to birds from reduced carbon emissions outweigh any other issues, as long as the installations are carefully constructed. Large solar systems must be appropriately sited to avoid interrupting bird habitat and to reduce the likelihood of birds colliding with solar panels and accompanying equipment, such as transmission lines and substations. Rooftop solar is environmentally friendly because it does not disturb any habitat and instead makes use of already-built space that would otherwise go to waste.


Overall, solar energy contributes to a more promising future for birds, wildlife, and the entire planet. Taking extra care reduces the possibility of your solar panel installation harming birds or other adjacent local wildlife. Contact your nearest service providers if you want to learn more about lowering the impact of solar panels on birds, installing a new solar panel system, or bird-proofing or maintaining your existing system.